The Councilor for Economic Development Antonio Nunziante: “Our goal is to create collaborations among different sectors of excellence to start new commercial relationships between companies”
Puglia flies to Dubai, United Arab Emirates, with a delegation of Apulian companies for an economic and institutional mission that has a specific objective: to attract investments and to create opportunities for economic and technological collaboration. Dubai, in fact, is not only the main business center in the Middle East area, it is also one of the most important centers of world finance.
Puglia and United Arab Emirates also expressed common vision of excellence and shared interest in the agri-food sector, renewable energy, healthcare, building materials and oil & gas technologies.
The mission, from Monday 25th to June 28th, is promoted by the Internationalization and Competitiveness sections of the Puglia Region in collaboration with the in-house company Puglia Sviluppo and with the support of Di Francia Advisors company in Dubai. There are scheduled two intense days of business to business meetings (at the Hotel Conrad Dubai) between the Apulian companies and local operators, anticipated by a presentation meeting entitled “Business or pleasure: Puglia. Italy-E.A.U: bilateral collaboration opportunities in the economic field, focus on Puglia “, with the participation of local stakeholders, potential investors and UAE area operators. In the evening, a networking event with representatives of the business Italian community, and especially from Puglia, based in Dubai.
Economic meetings are only part of the mission. A crucial role, in terms of attracting investments, is played in fact by the institutional meetings between the managers of the Puglia Region, concernign the investment conditions for the incentives made available, for the liveliness in innovation and in the research and for some infrastructures such as the Port of Taranto, represented by the Port Authority. A central occasion, due to the fact that on June 26th, at the DP World port of Dubai, and on June 27th at the Khalifa Port of Abu Dhabi, will be illustrated in detail a relevant investment project right dedicated to the Port of Taranto.
“Today – explains the vice president and councilor for economic development of the Puglia Region, Antonio Nunziante – we are in Dubai to strengthen relations with the United Arab Emirates also with the upcoming of the”Expo 2020 Dubai” universal exhibition. Our goal is to create collaborations in the various sectors of excellence in Puglia and in the United Arab Emirates to start new commercial relationships between our companies and the UAE operators. The opportunities to achieve this goal are really excellent, since Puglia’s exports to the United Arab Emirates exceeded 44.5 million euros in 2017, particularly in the mechanical and mechatronics, ICT, furniture, fashio and agri-food markets. But we would also like to enhance our great infrastructure resources, such as the port of Taranto with its logistics platforms and the Distripark. That’s why we will present an investment project that we hope will meet the interest of the UAE operators”
The mission in Dubai has a a precise strategy for promoting investment in Puglia. In fact, it is part of the “Operational plan for local marketing initiatives” and it is the third stage: after the one in Great Britain for aerospace and in Belgium for biotechnology, the roadshow of workshops and presentation meetings of the “Invest in Apulia” campaign “. It also follows the “Italian-Arab international business exchange” organized for the first time in Puglia a month ago.
Apulian companies protagonists of the mission
The delegation of Apulian companies present in Dubai was identified through a call. Those are industrial companies whose dimensions, organization, level of internationalization and innovativeness obviously present interesting characteristics for the Middle-East market.
Here the groups: Di Palma Donato & Figli Srl of Conversano (Ba); Dronyx Srl of Montemesola (Ta); Edilcass Srl single-member company of Brindisi; Fb.m Srl of Taranto; Gielle by Luigi Galantucci of Altamura; Itel di Ruvo di Puglia (Ba); Ivis Technologies Srl of Taranto; Mediatipo Srl of Modugno (Ba); New Euroart srl (Tecnomec Engineering Srl Group) of Bari; Niteko Srl of Montemesola (Ta); Pepe & con Srl of Gravina in Puglia (Ba); Primiceri Spa of Modugno (Ba); Puglia Alimentare Srl of Martina Franca (Ta); Roboze Srl of Bari; Brindisi Skem @ Srl; Varvaglione Vigne and Vini Srl of Leporano (Le).