Itel awarded among the industrial regional excellence by Apulian President Emiliano
16 Settembre 2018
The Governor’s Address to Entrepreneurs: “You are doing well. Puglia’s economic trends are amazing. And it is recognized by all of Italy”
Thirty-three Apulian industrial excellences were awarded on Friday afternoon in Fiera del Levante by the President of the Region, Michele Emiliano. Among them there is Itel.
The average turnover of the companies involved in the celebration, gives us a positive picture of the regional economic system, reaching half a million euros. The numbers are positive for the whole Apulian system, which recorded 4.6% more than in 2017. In supporting these numbers there are those of Cerved institute, according to which the current growth compared to the same period pre-crisis in 2007, is 3.9 points higher. The growth of the Apulian small and medium-sized enterprises was also positive.
“The companies we award today are the demonstration of what is the right way to use the funding and the resources that the Region makes available – said the Governor in his speech – I was educated by an entrepreneur: my father. So I well know the relationship between business culture and politics.
It is possible that we will see a request for strengthened autonomy from some Regions of the North: a demand for greater skills and therefore, for greater spending budgets available. Today we wonder whether this is a legitimate need or an attempt, as happened in the past, to change the location of national resources. We would like to follow way of acting which is based on trust in the national State.
The entrepreneur who educated me taught me that competition is fair, but that it can and must be cooperative. Not to make signs, but to create a market that is neither oligopolistic nor monopolistic. This is the only way to make of innovation the key to national growth. It is therefore essential to recognize the social role of the industry, just as our Constitution teaches us “.
Emiliano refers to a proven formula. “Free market and rules that guarantee the equitable distribution of wealth, that’s what teaches us the social doctrine of the Church”. Without this balance, “we would find ourselves in facing those problems which the whole South and our Puglia has been fighting for a long time: no money, crime, no security”. «Innovation and competitiveness grow in territories where businesses work calmly, without fear. We are working on this and will continue to work through this direction».
“You are doing an extraordinary job – he finally said to the entrepreneurs – Puglia’s numbers are amazing, including yours. And it is recognized by all of Italy. We know that we lose hundreds of graduates, but we also know that they are looking forward to returning to Puglia. There is no one else who can give jobs except businesses.”