Italian premier Conte celebrates Itel’s excellence
Italian premier Conte celebrates Itel's excellence 13 Aprile 2019 Despite the delay on the roadmap, the premier stopped for smiles, selfies and handshakes. The president and founder Leonardo Diaferia: «It's beautiful for us» [...]
The Erha project was presented: a decisive step from Itel in the fight against cancer
The Erha project was presented: a decisive step from Itel in the fight against cancer 15 Marzo 2019 An investment of almost 15 million euros to develop the world's first linear proton accelerator [...]
Itel presents the project “Enhanced Radiotherapy with HAdrons”
Itel presents the project "Enhanced Radiotherapy with HAdrons" March 14, 2019 Erha has achieved the goal of creating a prototype of a linear proton accelerator, leading the company from Ruvo di Puglia area [...]
Itel awarded among the industrial regional excellence by Apulian President Emiliano
Itel awarded among the industrial regional excellence by Apulian President Emiliano 16 Settembre 2018 The Governor's Address to Entrepreneurs: "You are doing well. Puglia's economic trends are amazing. And it is recognized by [...]
Itel is part of the Apulian delegation in Dubai
Itel is part of the Apulian delegation in Dubai 26 Giugno 2018 The Councilor for Economic Development Antonio Nunziante: "Our goal is to create collaborations among different sectors of excellence to start new [...]
Leonardo Diaferia at “G. Bovio ” library of Trani
Leonardo Diaferia at “G. Bovio ” library of Trani January 25, 2018 Itel President host in a cycle of orientation meetings. He will hold a report entitled "Talent and passion: the coordinates of success" [...]
Itel at the Economy Summit Festival in Trento
Itel at the Economy Summit Festival in Trento June 3, 2017 Vincenzo Dimiccoli, general manager of the company, with Maurizio Amichetti and Marco Durante, will talk about readymotherapy, effective in numerous malignancies, including [...]
Itel President awarded with “Premio Professionalità 2017”
Itel President awarded with “Premio Professionalità 2017” April 27, 2017 Leonardo Diaferia obtains the recognition provided by Rotary Club of Trani for "The commitment to behave ethically and to contribute to economic development, [...]
10.5 million investments for the research in the biomedical sector
10.5 million investments for the research in the biomedical sector January 2, 2017 An investment of almost 15 million euros to develop the world's first linear proton accelerator in the upcoming years, which [...]
Itel in Brussels
Itel in Brussels December 1, 2016 By invitation of the Apulia Region, the company of Ruvo di Puglia took part as example of industrial excellence in the roadshow "Global opportunities in Apulia's biotechnology [...]